Wednesday, July 22, 2009

a primer

I’m still not exactly sure what this blog is going to turn into, or if it will amount to anything at all. This may well be my final post. Though, I should try to stick with it a bit longer than that if for no other reason than to not feel like a jackass for discussing the future of a blog that will never be written to an audience that will never exist.
Anywho, so far the only concept I have for the blog is to write about stuff I like. I don’t think anyone has really thought of that yet. Examples of things I currently like (in no particular order): vegetable gardens, Ray Bans, my dog, The Band, beer, bikes, Paul Newman, grits, old guitars, porch swings, fainting goats, that really creepy tranny at the local Kroger who still dresses like a construction worker despite the lady hormones.
Americana seems to be pretty popular these days, so I’ll probably just wax nostalgic a lot. Maybe work in a few pictures, some music. I’m hoping that creating a platform will prompt inspiration. Until then I will write about the aforementioned interests. And try to remember my camera. Or not. We’ll see.

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