Friday, August 7, 2009

Internet Killed The Video Star

For the most part, music videos don't really excite me anymore. I just don't have the patience to scour the internet for them, or to sit on youtube and watch a grainy video in a tiny window. Or, maybe I still long for the heyday of MTV when Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Dr. Dre videos would cycle through all day - occasionally interrupted by some hip, affected veejay surrounded by a gaggle of sexy bikini-clad coeds in Panama City Beach. Shit I wanted to be there. Instead, I was in Mississippi, 13 years old, laying on the couch eating Pop-Ice, thinking that the MTV beach house must be what college is going to be like. It wasn't. Some music videos still grab my attention from time to time. Like maybe a Bob Dylan video featuring Scarlett Johansson...

It seems that some bands are beginning to acknowledge this boredom with music videos. Since MTV now sucks ass, bands are going to need to be a bit more creative with their videos. And with all them internets, the possibilities are pretty great.

Radiohead "House of Cards"
This is a really cool computer generated image of Thom Yorke's face. You can drag the cursor around and change the angle.

Cold War Kids "I've Seen Enough"
The interface allows you to pick and choose which of the four band members plays what instrument, changing the song altogether.

Arcade Fire "Neon Bible"
Win Butler's face and hands doing weird stuff (which you control, of course).

MGMT "Electric Feel"
You have to download the video, but its pretty wild. Numerous clips of trippy homemade looking videos which you can mix and match and alter the effects.

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